Visual Essay Unexpected visitors

Juan Pablo Dellacha

“Unexpected Visits” is an essay about fear, but it is also about tenderness and humor. The project started with a darker tone and little by little it turned more bizarre, trying to explore a more experimental style. A recurring childhood nightmare, Chiche Gelblung opening an alien in his program, the Canal Infinito documentaries, the memory of the TV full of images of mutilated cows by the chupacabra and the 2000s were some of the inspirations for this essay.

Technical specifications

Book, 24 pages - 21 x 15 cm.


Self-published with Ilus.P. Buenos Aires, 2022


Rights available for all languages.
If you are interested in publishing this project or collaborating with its author, please get in touch  by mail

Juan Pablo Dellacha

Juan Dellacha is an illustrator and graphic designer graduated from UBA, where he teaches Editorial Illustration (Roldan chair) since 2017. He mainly illustrates articles and essays; as well as book covers and magazines. He also does illustration for branding projects and apps. He has worked for magazines such as Anfibia and Gatopardo, has made book covers for Godot, Mandrágora and Penguin, and has made illustrations for clients such as Adidas, Google, La Bienal BA, Ministry of Tourism of Argentina, among others.

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